Selasa, 15 Februari 2011


This is the last topic, you know that means my job is finished .. hahaha
okay, okay. on this last topic or topics that the 18 we will discuss about the "Preposition in, on, at" no strings attached, let's see.

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hi guys!
I'm sure of you who already know there must be some who do not know what that is all around our house.
here we learn again to know what that is all around our house.
just let us find out .. : D

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Senin, 14 Februari 2011

Asking if Someone Remember or Not

Huft, almost to the last topic ..
Of the 18 topics, this is a topic that to how ya? I forgot ..
remember, remember, remember, let's count 1,2,5,6,11, oh yes I remember this topic to 16. haha
Ok, let's see. cekidat, cekidut yo.

 On Sunday lina up early, then she showered and wearing office clothes.
Laura: Hey, Lina. Where would you wear service dress?
Lina: I want to go to the office, why?
Laura: Did you forget? This is the day of the week!
Lina: Oh my God! I forgot! haha

Dialogue above is one example of "Asking if someone remember or not. "
below is how to respond and express:

Formal expressions:
- I wonder if you remember.....
- You remember...., don’t you?
- You haven’t forgotten...., have you?
- Don’t you remember.....?
- Do you happen to remember it now?

Ways to respond:
- Let me think, yes, I remember.
- I remember especially the scenery.
- I’ll never forget that
- I’ll always remember.

Informal expressions:
- Remember the old house we used to live in?
- Remember that?
- I’m sorry I don’t remember

Ways to respond:
- Hold on. Yes, got it!
- I know.....
- It’s coming back to me now.

Respond if you forget:
- Sorry, I’ve completely forgotten.
- I’m affraid I forget.
- I really can’t remember.
- I’m afraid I have no memory of him

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Guys, this is the topic of the 14th.
This topic will discuss the "Offering"
What is it offering?
curious? let's discuss. Cekidut!

 This is salad.. hmmm. yummmie.
Ok, we'll buy salad.haha now we discussed about the Offering. OK. : D

 He expression of “ Would you like….”is normally used for offering something to someone.
This is a small example:

Zahra: Would you like some salad ndra?
Indra : Yes, please. Thank you. delicious! that is my favourite food.
Zahra : Thank you. I’m glad you like it.

1.Ways to say it:
- Would you like a cup of tea, Za?
- Should I get you a bottle of milk?
-Could I offer you a glass of coffee, Miss. Anna?

2.Ofering to friends:
 - Want some?
 -Have some?

3.Less formal expressions:

- Would you like to have a pancake?

- Why don’t you have some lemonade?

- What can I get for you?

- What will you have?Declining an offering

- No, thanks

- No, really won’t, thanks

- Not for me, thanks.

4.Accepting an offering:

- Thank you.

- Yes, please

- I’d like it very much

- That would be very nice

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!Simple Future Tense!

Surely we all have a future, whether it be good or bad.
but we all must pray and hope to have a good future.
nah, guys here we are not discussing about the future but, we will discuss about "SIMPLE future tense. " Ok, let's see.

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Do not give up to get a lot of science and knowledge.
Because we do not know and want to know so it means you have to learn, so that our knowledge increases.
Ok guys this time we will discuss the topic this time is "finite verbs".

 A finite verbs is a verb that is inflected for tense according to the rules and categories of the languages in which it occurs. Finite verbs can form independent clauses, which can stand by their own as complete sentences.

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Yayaya .. yes, yes, yes ..
aha, what is the meaning of this topic?
ok guys, if most of us do not know, let's discuss together here. :)
Modals in the Past form in the Indonesian language is the word auxiliary modality in the past tense.

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I have a cat named cunong. he has a white and black. he has a black eye and body fat. every morning he was given milk. he is a lazy cat, but I love him.

nah, the story above is an example of descriptive text.
and the topics we will discuss now is about the descriptive text. cekidot!

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Narrative text?
aha,, sure you all already know what a narrative text, because in semester 1 Narrative text has been discussed previously.
I will return here to discuss, discuss, and discuss again about the narrative text again ..

Narrative text  is a text which contains about story (fiction/non fiction/tales/folktales/ fables/myths/epic) and in its plot consists of climax of the story (complication) then followed by the resolution.

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 Anyone who already know about Asking FOR INFORMATION?
Here I will explain a little about Asking FOR INFORMATION ..

A tourist asked for information


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Guys, do you remember what that invitation?
if you forgot, let you remember back!
already remember?


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