Senin, 14 Februari 2011

Asking if Someone Remember or Not

Huft, almost to the last topic ..
Of the 18 topics, this is a topic that to how ya? I forgot ..
remember, remember, remember, let's count 1,2,5,6,11, oh yes I remember this topic to 16. haha
Ok, let's see. cekidat, cekidut yo.

 On Sunday lina up early, then she showered and wearing office clothes.
Laura: Hey, Lina. Where would you wear service dress?
Lina: I want to go to the office, why?
Laura: Did you forget? This is the day of the week!
Lina: Oh my God! I forgot! haha

Dialogue above is one example of "Asking if someone remember or not. "
below is how to respond and express:

Formal expressions:
- I wonder if you remember.....
- You remember...., don’t you?
- You haven’t forgotten...., have you?
- Don’t you remember.....?
- Do you happen to remember it now?

Ways to respond:
- Let me think, yes, I remember.
- I remember especially the scenery.
- I’ll never forget that
- I’ll always remember.

Informal expressions:
- Remember the old house we used to live in?
- Remember that?
- I’m sorry I don’t remember

Ways to respond:
- Hold on. Yes, got it!
- I know.....
- It’s coming back to me now.

Respond if you forget:
- Sorry, I’ve completely forgotten.
- I’m affraid I forget.
- I really can’t remember.
- I’m afraid I have no memory of him

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