Selasa, 15 Februari 2011


hi guys!
I'm sure of you who already know there must be some who do not know what that is all around our house.
here we learn again to know what that is all around our house.
just let us find out .. : D

Build Up :
Attic =People store things in the attic.
Ballroom =A room in stately homes where rich people dance and concerts are held.
Box Room =A small room used for storage.
Cellar =Underneath the house.
Cloakroom =A small room where people put their coats.
Conservatory = A greenhouse attached to a house for the display of plants.
Dining Room =A room where people eat.
Drawing Room =A room in stately homes where rich people entertain.
Games Room = A room in large houses where games are played.
Hall = The entrance passage to a house.
Larder =A small room used for the storage of food.
Library =A room where books are kept.
Lounge =Another name for living room.
Music Room =A room where people play music.
Office =A room where people work.
Pantry =A small room used to store kitchen and dining items.
Parlour =Old fashioned word for living room.
Sitting Room =Another name for living room.
Spare Room/Guest Room =A room where guests sleep.
Toilet = A room where people go to the toilet (often known as WC)
Utility Room =A room where appliances such as washing machines are used.

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